Waterside Academy

Ofsted Report

In our most recent Ofsted inspection, Waterside Academy was rated a 'GOOD' school.  To read our latest report, click here.


School Data

Waterside Academy End of KS2 Performance Data 2022/2023

Percentage of children achieving age-related expectations  Percentage of children achieving the higher standard  Progress Score Average Scaled Score 


82.4 41 5.5 (Well Above Average) 109


70.6 17.6 0.9 (Average)


88.2 35 4.2 (Well Above Average) 106

Reading, writing and mathematics combined

71 12

Rowans, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1NZ
A charitable limited company, registered in England and Wales No 10290954
Registered Office The Orchard Primary School, Gammons Lane, Watford, WD24 5JW

01707 321203
