Waterside Academy

The Pupil Premium Strategy 

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding provided by the government to schools in England to improve the educational outcomes of disadvantaged students aged 5 to 16. The grant is aimed at supporting these students and addressing the achievement gap between them and their peers. It is used by schools to provide targeted interventions, resources, and support to help disadvantaged students reach their full potential.

At Waterside Academy, we are committed to using the Pupil Premium Grant effectively to ensure every student receives the support they need to succeed academically and thrive in their education.  If you would like to read more about how we spend the money please download our Pupil Premium Strategy Plan here.


The Primary PE and Sports Premium

The Sports Premium is additional funding provided by the government to schools in England with the aim of improving the quality of physical education (PE) and sports provision for all students. This funding is allocated to schools based on the number of primary-aged pupils they have. The Sports Premium is intended to be used to develop PE and sports programmes, increase participation in physical activities, and improve the overall health and well-being of students.

At Waterside Academy, we are dedicated to maximising the impact of the Sports Premium to provide exciting and engaging PE lessons, offer a wider range of sports activities, and promote a lifelong love for physical activity among our students.  If you would like more information about how we spend the grant, please download our PE and Sports Premium Strategy Plan here.


Sports Premium - Spring Term Update
Sports Premium money is government funding provided to primary schools to improve the quality and breadth of physical education (PE) and sport for pupils. This term, we are using some of this funding to subsidise the cost of swimming lessons for children across KS2, including travel to and from the pool, making these lessons more accessible for all children.
Additionally, the funding is being used to cover the full cost of the Bikeability program, which teaches vital cycling and road safety skills. We are also continuing to invest in our partnership with Ridgeway to provide more sporting opportunities and are using Sports Premium money to bring in a specialist sports coach. This coach not only works with pupils but also delivers valuable Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for staff, enhancing the quality of PE teaching across the school.








Rowans, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1NZ
A charitable limited company, registered in England and Wales No 10290954
Registered Office The Orchard Primary School, Gammons Lane, Watford, WD24 5JW

01707 321203
