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Academy Governing Body (AGB)

The local Academy Governing Board (AGB) of our school acts as a “critical friend” to the Headteacher and staff, supporting and challenging them by evaluating the school’s progress. The AGB is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the school’s funding is used effectively;
  • Establishing procedures to promote effective teaching and learning;
  • Monitoring the educational outcomes achieved by the school;
  • Resolving grievances;
  • Overseeing the implementation of annual school development plans; and
  • Regularly reviewing the school’s performance and identifying areas for improvement.

The key responsibilities of the AGB are to:

  1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction;
  2. Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, as well as the performance management of staff; and
  3. Oversee the financial performance of the school, ensuring its funding is well spent.

Structure of the Academy Governing Body

The AGB consists of the following members:

  • 4 Governors appointed by the Trust;
  • 3 Co-opted Governors appointed by the Governing Board;
  • 1 Headteacher, who holds the role ex-officio;
  • 2 Parent Governors, elected by parents;
  • 2 Staff Governors, elected by staff.

Link Governors

The AGB operates a system of link governors, with individual governors assigned responsibility for specific areas, such as Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), Safeguarding, Health and Safety, and curriculum subjects. Link governors meet with their designated staff members and may observe lessons to gain insight into how these areas are being managed.

Governor Name Link Role Profile
Chair of Governors Monika Szita-Rimann  History, Geography and Religious Education I am a Trust Governor and the Chair of Governors at Waterside Academy. Since 2008, I have supported the school in various capacities, inspired by my four daughters’ positive experiences here. I have previously served as the Safeguarding Governor, the Link Governor for Curriculum (Humanities and Modern Languages), and a member of the Pay and Headteacher Performance Committees. In my role as Chair, I work closely with the Agora Learning Partnership and other Chairs of Governors across the Trust. Outside of governance, I work in finance and administration and enjoy singing in a barbershop chorus, Welwyn Harmony.

Co-Vice Chair/ Parent Governor 

Magali Rosier Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, PSHE and Modern Languages I joined Waterside Academy’s Governing Board as a Parent Governor in December 2016. With one child currently at the school, I bring my experience as a part-time NHS project manager in children’s specialist services to my role. I have served as one of the Co-Vice Chairs and am passionate about giving back to a school where my children have flourished.
Co-Vice Chair of Governors/ Co-opted Governor Helen Turner GDPR, Performance Data and Website I have been a Parent Governor at Waterside Academy since December 2016 and became a co-opted governor in 2024. As a part-time NHS project manager and a parent of two, I value the opportunity to contribute to the school’s success. I have serve as Co-Vice Chair and have focused on resources and was a member of the Pay and Headteacher Performance Committees.
Trust Governor  Anna Galinska Early Years and English As a current Assistant Headteacher and Early Years Lead in a primary school, I am delighted to bring my professional expertise to Waterside Academy’s Governing Board. I am passionate about Early Years education and believe that all children can thrive when provided with an enabling environment and high-quality teaching.
Trust Governor Sarah Stevens Pupil Premium, English as an Additional Language and Creative Arts I recently joined Waterside Academy as a Trust Governor after a career in law, focusing on children and safeguarding. I am passionate about helping children achieve fulfilling lives through a well-rounded education. Outside governance, I enjoy music, sports, travel, and caring for my energetic Border Terrier.
Trust Governor And Davey  Health and Safety, Finance and Physical Education I have been a Trust Governor at Waterside Academy since May 2015. With two children now in secondary school, I am dedicated to supporting the pupils, parents, and staff at Waterside. I have previously served as the Link Governor for Health and Safety and am committed to ensuring the school is a safe and nurturing environment.
Co-opted Governor Coral Bamgboye Mathematics, Science and Computing I joined the Governing Board in October 2015 and am a proud mum of four, with two currently at Waterside Academy. I work in HR, recruitment, and equality within a global organisation and am committed to supporting our school’s development. I have previously served as the Link Governor for English and as a member of the Pay and Headteacher Performance Committees.
Co-opted Governor Debbie Shirley Safeguarding, Behaviour and British Values I joined Waterside Academy’s Governing Board in September 2024 and bring extensive experience from my roles as a teacher, Deputy Head, and Headteacher in Hertfordshire schools. I am now a life and leadership coach and I support schools in leadership development and wellbeing. I am particularly interested in inclusion and ensuring personalised learning meets the needs of all pupils.
Headteacher Kevin Peart   As Headteacher of Waterside Academy since September 2024, I work closely with the Academy Governing Board to ensure the school delivers high standards of education and care. I collaborate with governors on strategic planning, performance monitoring, and school development. Together, we strive to provide the best possible outcomes for all pupils.
Staff Governor/ Deputy Headteacher Katheryn Wilson   I am the Deputy Headteacher at Waterside Academy. Since joining the school in 2016, I have seen many positive changes and look forward to continuing this progress as a Staff Governor. I am committed to supporting our pupils, staff, and school community.
Staff Governor  Carrie-Anne Sturmy   I have been part of Waterside Academy since 2013. I also lead the support staff and serve on the Middle Leadership Team. As a Staff Governor, I provide valuable insights from a staff perspective and am dedicated to fostering a positive and supportive school environment.


General Documents Date Download
Governor Meetings WatersideAcademy 23.24 21st Dec 2024 Download
Governor Meetings WatersideAcademy 24.25 21st Dec 2024 Download
Register of interests Waterside Academy 21st Dec 2024 Download