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School Meals
School dinners at Waterside are cooked by Mrs Robertson.
She and her team provide the children (and lots of the staff) with nutritious, delicious lunches that keep them fuelled all afternoon.
The food we serve is a healthy and balanced diet. The children at Waterside learn all about healthy eating and ways to keep their bodies healthy through assemblies, science, PE and PSHE lessons as well as through extra-curricular clubs. For more information on this, please visit Change For Life!
Our menu changes regularly and the food is provided by our newest partner Aspens.
To order your child's school dinner you will be provided with a unique key (login) for the Swift Kitchen App. This will be provided by the school office. Once logged in you will be able to order and pay for the meals. FSM entitled children will not be requested to pay, however, will still need to order via Swift Kitchen.
Children in Rec, Years 1 and 2 will receive Universal Free School Meals, again these must be ordered via Swift Kitchen.
The cut off time for ordering meals is 8am, however we strongly advise that meals are booked as far in advance as possible.
Free School Meals
We encourage everyone who is in receipt of the following benefits to apply for ‘Free School Meals’ (FSM):
- Income Support*
- Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance*
- Income-related Employment Support Allowance*
- Child Tax Credit, with a taxable income of no more than £16,190 and not in receipt of Working Tax Credit*
- Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)*
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999*
- Child Tax Credit – payable at a rate higher than the family element i.e. £545.34 (this is £1,095.00 if you also have a child under one year old)
- Working Tax Credit, Housing Benefit, or Council Tax Benefit (not including second adult rebate)
- Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after employment finishes or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week
* Some help is only available if you receive these specific benefits.
Even if your child prefers to have a packed lunch from home by applying for FSM the school receives a greater amount of funding from the government to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Although, children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 receive Universal Free School Meals, we kindly ask that parents in receipt of these benefits apply for FSM in the same way.
Can you apply for FSM in any one of the following ways:
- Online at:
https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/Schools-and-education/At-school/Free-school-meals/Free-school-meals.aspx |
- Smartphone: Using the LookingLocal app available from app stores.
- Digital TV: The Community Channel – Press the red button
- Wii/Xbox/PS3: At www.lookinglocal.gov.uk/hertsdirect
- Phone: 0300 123 4084