We would like to welcome you to the Waterside Academy community. As a parent, grandparent or carer of a child at the school you also become a member of the Parent Teacher Association or PTA. The PTA run events in the school to get people together, to have a good time and to help raise funds for the school.

We raise funds in various ways including school discos, fetes and fayres, non uniform days and so on. We use any money we raise to fund the Christmas Panto which visits the children in school each December, Year 6  leavers books to help store their memories of their time at Waterside and support the school in purchasing resources to make learning interactive, fun and engaging.

We would like to invite you to join in the fun and meet new people from across the school. We have a meeting every now and then in order to plan our events. Our meetings are informal and held locally.

We welcome help either at the meeting or with events and all suggestions and new ideas are gratefully received. We are fun and informal so we would welcome support in whatever form you can give.

All events and meetings are published on the school notice boards or on our Facebook Blog at

For new parents we always try and attend  the New to Nursery and Reception meetings in June so do come and have a chat with us. If you would like more information Mrs Powell in the office who will be able to put you in touch with one of our members. We hope you enjoy your time at the school as much as we do.