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Wraparound Care

Supporting Working Families:

Breakfast Club - 7.45am each day - Run by the school

Our school breakfast club is run by Mrs Girdlestone and Mrs Foyle each morning.

The children are greeted at the door by Mrs Foyle and parents sign them in.

The club starts at 7.45am and the provision runs until 8.40am - school starts thereafter.

There is a choice of cereal or toast, and Friday is our treat day - the children love the cheese toasties!

The children can choose different activities, which they enjoy doing each morning.

Whilst the breakfast club is in session, there will always be a Designated Safeguarding Lead/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead easily contactable. 

Daily cost for Breakfast Club:

1 Child = £4.00

Additional Siblings = £3.50 

Breakfast club can be booked via Arbor or see the school office.

Breakfast Club Terms and Conditions


After School Clubs - 3.20pm - 4.15pm - Please see time table below:










Years Rec, 1, 2 and 3  



Den Club        

Mrs Woods 

Rec- Year 2




Years Rec - 6


Paper Craft Club

Mrs Woods          

Year Rec, 1 and 2




Choir Club

Miss Bayliss

Years 4-6


Speed Stacking

Mrs Clare 

Years 3- 6




Multi Sport


Years 3 -6


Spring Term after school clubs will commence Monday 20th January 2025 and will all finish the week ending Friday 28th March 2025. 

Please note there will be no clubs on:

Monday 10th February

Thursday 13th February

There is also a cost of £45 for Cheerleading, £40 for Gymnastics and Multi Sports. This is for the whole term and can be paid either in full or in two payments. 

Please note payment must be made in advance. If your child would like to take part in any of these clubs but you have a query regarding the cost, please contact the school office on 01707 321203.

Childcare - 30 hours