School Uniform

Waterside Primary is committed to maintaining high standards and promoting our core values of respect, kindness, responsibility, consideration, and endeavour. Our school uniform plays an important role in reinforcing these values and creating a sense of community and belonging among our students.

Uniform Guidelines

To ensure our students are dressed appropriately for learning, we have the following uniform requirements:

  • Tops: White polo shirt or blouse, navy blue jumper or cardigan (Waterside Academy branded or non-branded)
  • Bottoms: Grey trousers, shorts, or skirt
  • Dresses: Navy blue gingham dress or grey winter dress
  • Shoes: Black, closed-toe, and practical for the school day (no flip-flops, jelly shoes, or boots), no logos
  • Accessories: Plain black, blue, or white hair accessories; plain stud earrings only (to be removed for PE)

PE Kit Guidelines

Children come to school wearing their PE kit on PE days.  You can find out when your child has PE in the latest Curriculum Letter for their year group found on the Class Information page of the website.

  • T-shirt: White (Waterside branded or unbranded).
  • Bottoms: Plain blue/ black jogging bottoms or shorts (depending on the weather).
  • Jumpers: Children are encouraged to wear a school jumper (Waterside branded or unbranded) during colder weather. Hoodies should not be worn.
  • Footwear: Plain trainers (no bright colours or large logos).

Additional Guidelines

  • Please label all uniform items with your child's name to prevent loss.
  • Classrooms have limited storage space, so a compact book bag or messenger-style bag is recommended.
  • Long hair should be tied back, and hairstyles should be practical for school (no extreme cuts or colours).
  • Headscarves worn for religious reasons should be plain and in the school colours of grey, blue, or white.
  • No jewellery, nail polish, or smartwatches are permitted.
  • Water bottles should contain water only.